LC Student Spotlight: Modou Diop | South Bank Colleges

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What course are you enrolled on and why did this course interest you?

I am currently on the L3 Engineering course. I chose it because my dad use to work in a construction site and he wanted me to follow in your footsteps. I was also always good at maths, so I had a feeling this course would be well-suited to me. I generally have a good experience with maths.

My course is challenging but I like challenges. It's a lot of work but that's why I like it, there's always something to do. 

What do you like most about Lambeth College?

The teachers are very friendly. You can ask for help at any time and they'll always be there to help. I like the environment. I think the college is just fun. 

How were you able to go from Level 1 to Level 3 Engineering?

So this year I was supposed to go to Level 2 which I started for a week before they said I'm able to join Level 3. Maths is one of my strongest subject. I think if you're good at maths, you'd probably be good at engineering. My teachers agreed that I'm capable enough to go straight to Level 3 from Level 1. 

I was happy to find out I was able to do this because I'm always up for a challenge.

What is most enjoyable about your course?

Again, the challenges, the hardwork. There's always something to do on this course. It's not boring. I also love the practical element of the course. It's a great feeling to see your project come to life.

Have you ever created something you've used in your day-to-day life?

Yes, when I was on the Level 1 course, I made LED lights. I was able to take it home and I still use it now. I'm very proud of my work. 

What are you planning to do next & your career aspirations?

Funnily enough, I'm very interested in politics, that's why I decided to join the students' union as a treasurer. I look forward to linking my engineering skills with politics. I would love to stay at Lambeth College and complete an apprenticeship that could take me to university.

How has Lambeth College helped you?

Lambeth College has helped me in many ways. I've only been in this country for two years and my home language is French. It was a lot of work to become more familiar with English, but it was possible to do here.