Additional Learning Support | South Bank Colleges

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Additional Learning Support (ALS) is a support service for students with a range of additional needs. We can provide support for students who have learning difficulties, disabilities or medical conditions. This additional support is designed to help you maximise your potential to succeed. Support can be provided for students with:

  • Specific Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities
  • Hearing, Visual, Sensory and Mobility Difficulties
  • Autism
  • Physical Disabilities and Medical Conditions
  • Mental Health Difficulties and Mental Ill Health
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Mild, Moderate and Severe Learning Difficulties
  • English and Maths: development of skills
We have a commitment to maximising the potential of all learners through outstanding teaching, learning and training. Our commitment to supporting learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities sits firmly within the college's strategic plan, as part of our ambition and core values.

  • How can I find out more information about your learning support provision?

    There are a number of options available:

    • Attend a college open day where the additional learning support team will be on duty to provide information about the support available for young people with SEND.
    • Apply for a course. Prospective students will be invited to disclose support needs during the application process.
    • Contact the additional learning support team directly. Contact details are below. 

  • How does the college know if students need extra help?

    There are several opportunities to disclose support needs to the college:

    • We invite prospective students to disclose support needs on their application form.
    • Support needs can be disclosed and discussed with the additional learning support team at enrolment.
    • Teaching staff may make a referral to the additional learning support team if they observe evidence of need in class.
    • You can contact the additional learning support team directly using the contact details on this page.

  • How will college staff support a student with special education needs?

    The support put in place will depend upon the needs of the individual student. We are committed to ensuring all possible reasonable adjustments are made in order to accommodate our students with learning difficulties and disabilities.

    Support might consist of:

    • In class support for high-needs students provided by learning support assistants.
    • 1:1 additional lessons with specialist teachers in the additional learning support team.
    • Access arrangements for examinations. You will need to inform the ALS department and course tutors of any previous exam concessions as these will have to be assessed.
    • The loan of assistive software and technology where appropriate.
    • The provision of a support plan which would outline the support available.


  • How to refer for additional learning support and exam access arrangements

    We invite prospective students to disclose support needs on their application form. It is important that learner needs are identified and assessed prior to the course interview with teachers. You will need to provide evidence such as an Educational Health Care Plan (ECHP), Educational Psychologist report, a Form 8, or a medical letter from your GP or specialist to secure support.

    If you have an EHCP, we would ask for a copy of the document and the college would then enter into a formal consultation process with your Local Authority.

    When on your course, teachers will complete initial and diagnostic assessment to identify current levels and areas for development, before referring learners to the ALS Team. This needs to include evidence of observation of need in class. The ALS team will meet with you to discuss your needs, which feeds into your individual support plan once completed. Please do get in contact with your tutor or the ALS team to discuss this further.

    All support measures will be negotiated with the young person and reviewed regularly.

For more information on Additional Learning Support, please use the contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..