College Rules and Standards | South Bank Colleges

At South Bank Colleges we promote an ethos of ambition, achievement and respect for others with a focus on supporting you to progress to employment, an apprenticeship or University. Our clear and concise standards for success policy and college rules support students' to meet and exceed our commitment, behaviour and progress expectations.

  • 1. Standards for Success

    The standards for success policy has been developed with a focus on the student and apprentice experience providing opportunities for students and apprentices to be successful and reflective. The college acknowledges that personal development, attitudes and growth ‘happen over time’. The policy works to use positive reinforcement, trauma informed and restorative approaches to support student or apprentice to be able to be supported to engage in their college, training and learning experience, as well as learn to manage their own behaviour. The college and staff have high expectations and ambitions for all students and apprentices and so we will work to recognise and celebrate this. 

       pdf Click here to view our Standards for Success Policy (309 KB)

  • 2. Safeguarding and Prevent

    We all want to learn and work in a safe, positive and healthy environment. To achieve this we actively promote the importance of safeguarding all learners and preventing them from the threat of violent extremism.

    We believe that not only do we have a statutory duty to ensure that we safeguard and promote the welfare of our learners but also a moral duty. Our safeguarding and prevent policy covers a wide range of risks that we need to safeguard against. Our procedures focus on how we recruit and train our staff, support our learners, make referrals and deal effectively with allegations against staff.

    Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all learners is everyone’s responsibility, and the best interests of each individual is paramount. We expect all learners to play their part in ensuring the College remains a safe place to study and any concerns should be reported to our highly trained and experienced Safeguarding and Prevent Team.

    Click here to view our Safeguarding Policy

  • 3. Security

    To make sure the college is a safe and secure place in which to learn and work security staff are deployed at college entrances and patrol college premises.

    On entering college premises learners are expected to uphold our ‘no hoodie and baseball cap’ policy by removing their hoods and placing their baseball cap in their bag. In addition learners are required to wear and display their college ID badge at all times. Security staff are instructed to remind students of these policies and challenge those learners who choose not to comply. Security staff are to be treated with respect at all times.

  • 4. Personal Possessions

    The College carries all statutory insurances however this insurance does not cover the personal property of learners. Therefore we recommend that learners should keep their personal possessions on their person at all times and leave valuables a home.

  • 5. Phones, tablets and laptops

    The college recognises the potential learning benefit enabled through phones, tablets and laptops. However we require learners to use these devices as instructed by members of staff. For example phones, tablets and laptops must be switched off during examinations and devices must be on silent mode when using the Learning Resources facility.

    In addition we ask all learners to respect our public areas and other people’s right to a quiet surrounding when they are studying. Photographs should not be taken in public areas without first seeking permission; you can speak with a member of staff about this.

  • 6. College Health and Safety

    South Bank Colleges holds as one of its highest priorities the health, safety and welfare of all students, staff and visitors involved in activities which come under the responsibility of the College whether taking place on the College premises or not. We have a statutory and moral duty to ensure that the College functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students receiving education and training at the College.

    As a learner at South Bank Colleges you are responsible for cooperating with all College staff and representatives in making sure that the College is a safe place to study. Health and safety rules and procedures are in place to protect you during whatever activity or course you are involved in at the College. It is important that you follow the health and safety information, instruction and training that you are provided with.

    As a learner at South Bank Colleges your responsibilities include:

    • Not doing anything that would put you or other persons at risk
    • Contributing to health and safety by reporting defects, dangerous situations, accidents, violence, harassment, bullying and any other incidents
    • Observing any prohibitions or restrictions that apply to you
    • Wearing any necessary personal protective equipment and clothing
    • Not damaging or misusing anything provided for purposes of health and safety
    • Keeping your work area clean and tidy
    • Participating in and following any necessary health and safety training/plans e.g. fire evacuation drills
    • Reading and following all safety signs and notices

    If you have any health and safety concerns please bring these to the attention of your Tutor or College representative.

    View the Health and Safety Induction/Student Guide video

  • 7. First Aid

    There are qualified First Aiders at each Centre. Please contact a member of staff if you need assistance or Reception/Security who will contact a First Aider for you.

  • 8. Portable Fire Fighting Equipment and Fire Alarm System

    This equipment and system is in place to protect you and other occupants of each Centre. It is a criminal offence to misuse, tamper with or damage this equipment and system.

    Failure to comply with College health and safety procedures, rules or instructions from College staff or representatives or failure to take reasonable care for your health and safety may lead to disciplinary action and may include expulsion from the College.

  • 9. Emergency Evacuation

    The College is required by law to practise emergency evacuation procedures. All rooms display a ‘Fire Action’ notice that gives guidance on evacuating the building in an emergency.

    • Please read the notices so that you know what to do in the event of a fire or other emergency and where the nearest Assembly Point is located.
    • When the fire alarm rings with a continuous tone follow instructions and evacuate the building.
    • If you are in class your tutor will direct you and you must obey all requests by staff to leave the building immediately.
    • Proceed quickly to the nearest Assembly Point.
    • Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
    • Lifts must not be used during emergency evacuations.

    You should not re-enter the building until you are allowed to do so by security or College staff. If you are unable to leave the building without assistance you must obey instructions by staff and proceed to the nearest Refuge Point where you will be given assistance to evacuate.

  • 10. Children on College Premises

    Due to Health and Safety and Insurance requirements, the College regrets that children (defined as those under the age of 16 years) are not permitted on College premises except in the following circumstances:

    • where they are accompanied by an adult in the course of enrolment or when seeking admissions advice
    • in the Nurseries (or travelling to or from a nursery within a site)
    • where they are participating in a College organised event (such events must have prior written permission from the Centre Director who shall ensure that appropriate risk assessments and safety precautions have been carried out)
    • where they are waiting for a short period, accompanied by an adult visitor, at the reception area
    • where 14-16 pupils are participating in a designated College Link programme
    • where specific permission has been given by a member of the Executive.

  • 11. Use of IT facilities

    If you use any College IT Facility you are automatically agreeing to comply with the terms of this Code of Practice.

    • Use of IT facilities, such as the network, computers, printers and the facilities associated with them e.g. software, data, email, internet, bulletin boards, data bases must be for College work or other authorised use only. No ‘private’ work is permitted.
    • All files created or stored by you on College IT facilities can be subjected to inspection by College IT Technical Staff. Where evidence is found of misuse or illegal use of material it will be deleted.
    • You must comply with any local rules in force applicable to IT facilities provided by the College e.g. in Libraries, ILT Centres, IT Labs.

    Specifically you must not:

    • Disclose to others your login name/password combination(s), or access, or
    • Attempt to access computers at the College or elsewhere for which permission has not been granted.
    • Eat or drink in any IT facility.
    • Use or produce materials or resources to facilitate corruption, changes, malfunction or access to any College or external IT facilities.
    • Introduce a real, or hoax virus onto College IT systems.
    • Use College IT systems to deliberately upset another person.
    • Forge email signatures and/or headers, initiate and/or forward ‘chain’ or ‘junk’ or ‘harassing’ mail, Play electronic games, electronic gambling web-sites or use ‘chatrooms’.
    • Display, store, print or transmit images or text which could be considered offensive e.g. material of a sexual, pornographic, paedophilic, sexist, racist, libellous, threatening, defamatory or terrorist nature, or likely to bring the College into disrepute.
    • Use, download, copy, store or supply copyright materials including software, MP3 or other media files and retrieved data other than with the permission of the Copyright holder or under the terms of the license held by the College.
    • Use a mobile phone for voice, sending text messages or downloading ring tones in IT Facilities.

    When holding data on computers about living individuals, you must register that data and its uses, and treat it as required by the Data Protection Act.

    Whilst the College takes appropriate security measures against unauthorised access to, alteration, disclosure, destruction or accidental loss of personal and other data, it cannot and does not give any warranties or undertakings to you about security, confidentiality or integrity of data, personal or other.

    All files and email messages will be deleted on an annual basis. Make sure you keep copies of those files and messages that you wish to retain.

    View the Digital Code of Conduct Student Guide video

    Please make sure that you back-up your files on a regular basis!

    Breaking these conditions may lead to College disciplinary procedures being invoked, with penalties that could include suspension from the use of College IT facilities for extended periods. Serious cases may lead to expulsion from the College and may involve civil or criminal action being taken against the user.

  • 12. Student Union Constitution

    Name: There shall be a Student Union the name of which shall be ‘South Bank College Students’ Union’ (hereafter referred to as ‘the Union’).

    Aims and Objectives

    The Aims and Objectives of the Union shall be:

    • To advance the education of its members.
    • To promote the general welfare of the students.
    • To promote co-operation amongst its members for social, cultural and athletic activities.
    • To provide a channel of communication between its members and the College and other bodies.
    • To stimulate the expression of student opinion within the College on all matters affecting the life and training of students and to represent this opinion to the College authorities.
    • To represent the members in all matters affecting their interest as members of the Union, regardless of class, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or special educational need.
    • To oppose all racial, religious and sexual discrimination and to actively support South Bank College’s Equal Opportunities Policies. A complete copy of the procedure is available on the LC Learning Web.

    A complete copy of the procedures is available on the LC Learning Web.

  • 13. Photographic Images of you in the College

    South Bank Colleges may wish to take your photograph and/or film you taking part in activities in the College. These images may appear in South Bank Colleges printed materials, press releases, be placed on our website/intranet or on other websites (operated by other agencies such as local and national press or specialist media publishers advertising South Bank Colleges courses etc), and used in promotional films, DVDs or on/in other media. If you do not wish to have your image used for any such publicity materials and/or media please be sure to inform the photographer(s) or film maker(s) immediately should they appear at any events, learning environments or workplace in which you are present.

    Please note it is your responsibility not to pose for photographs or films that are taken in or for South Bank Colleges if you do not wish to have your image published.

  • 14. Learner View - Your voice with Ofsted