LC Student Spotlight: Crystabel Nkansah | South Bank Colleges

Crystabel is currently enrolled on the Level 1 Hospitality and  Catering course. She finds great pleasure in cooking and is very enthusiastic about her course. We spoke with Chrystabel to find out more about her aspirations. 

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What do you enjoy the most about your course? 

Well, I love cooking. I love to experience different cultural dishes, I love the creative element of presenting food in a fun and professional way, I love being able to learn new dishes and add my personal spin on it. 

What do you want to achieve in the next year?

There's so much I want to achieve. When I finish my Level 1, I'd love to complete Levels 2 and 3 and hopefully take on a Hospitality and Management course at university. 

What are your future aspirations? 

I'd definitely love to become a professional chef. In fact, I want to own my own restaurant that serves dishes from around the world; Ghana, China, Italy, France. I really look forward to employing other chefs and training them to become the best chef they can be.

Any words of advice to students looking to enrol on the same course as you?

It's difficult, I'm not going to lie to you. There is a lot of pressure in the kitchen especially if you're training to become an excellent chef, but if you put your mind to it and work hard, you can do it. Work hard and never give up!