Farzaneh's journey at South Bank Colleges
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Farzaneh's journey at South Bank Colleges is a testament to the transformative power of education and personalised support. Originally from Iran, she faced significant hurdles upon her arrival in the UK, especially integrating into adult education due to a lack of qualifications. Her initial visit to the college on an open day was disheartening, as she discovered that she did not meet the entry requirements for any courses. However, her path changed direction when she received tailored guidance, which led her to enrol in the Level 1 Preparing to Work in Schools course.

Embracing the opportunity, Farzaneh quickly advanced, engaging in six weeks of training and work experience, which culminated in a successful interview with a prospective employer. Her determination didn't stop there; she sought further advice and enrolled in the Maths Level 2 course over the summer, simultaneously applying her newfound skills in a school setting.

Farzaneh's commitment to her education shone brightly as she achieved one of the highest marks in Maths at South Bank Colleges that year, while also supporting her classmates with the insights she gained from her initial course. Her academic journey continued as she pursued the Level 2 Supporting Teaching and GCSEs in English and Maths, driven by a personal goal to exceed her own expectations.

Beyond her fantastic personal academic achievements, Farzaneh's story reflects the broader mission of South Bank Colleges to provide crucial support and motivation to adult learners who may lack traditional qualifications and face socio-economic challenges. The college prides itself on its multifaceted departments that offer personalised advice and guidance, enabling learners to progress towards employment and higher educational opportunities.

This video aims to capture not just Farzaneh's inspiring story but also the vital role of encouragement and support provided by the educators at South Bank Colleges. It highlights the importance of addressing the fears and aspirations of adult learners, showcasing the potential within each student to transcend barriers and achieve greatness.