LC Student Spotlight: Leah | South Bank Colleges
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Leah is currently enrolled on the Level 1 Professional Cookery course. When top master chef professionals, Ian Samuels and Victor Okonkwo visited the College to do demonstrations, Leah was amongst the many students that got involved in the cooking process. She learned how to destone an avocado in less than a minute! 

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What do you enjoy the most about your Level 1 course?

I enjoy learning new skills as I did today and exploring different foods. During the demonstration, I was tasked with destoning an avocado and at first my technique was wrong. Victor helped me out by showing me the safest and quickest way to take the stone out the avocado. Once the avocado is cut in half, you have to tap it with the knife and turn it until it comes out. 

What do you want to achieve in the next year?

I would like to join the Level 2 Professional Cookery course here or do the Patisserie one. I enjoy cooking and baking, so I need to do some research to see which one I prefer. 

What are your future aspirations?

I'd like to own a small cooking or baking business. 

Any words of advice to students who want to join the same course as you? 

Prepare to do the hard work. Catering isn't as easy as it looks.