A Learning Journey: Bryana's POV 👀 | South Bank Colleges
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Meet Bryana, a student at Lambeth College whose path through education has been anything but straightforward. Starting at the college in 2022, Bryana embarked on her Art & Design journey with a Level 1 qualification. Alongside her passion for creativity, she also had the challenge of working on her GCSEs in English and Maths. But this wasn’t the easiest task for her. Struggling with mental health issues, Bryana found it difficult to pass her GCSEs on the first attempt.

However, Bryana's story is one of perseverance, determination, and support. After reaching out to staff members at Lambeth College, she was met with encouragement and guidance that would change her path entirely. “The teachers spoke to me extremely nicely, and they treated me well,” Bryana says, highlighting the positive and nurturing environment she found herself in.

With the support of her teachers and a renewed sense of confidence, Bryana pushed forward. While completing her Level 2 Art & Design course in 2023, she retook her GCSEs—and her results were nothing short of inspiring. She transformed her grade in English from a 2 to a 7, a remarkable improvement that reflected her dedication. Not only did she pass both her English and Maths GCSEs, but she also earned a Distinction in her Level 2 Art & Design course!

Now, with a new wave of confidence, Bryana is working towards her Level 3 Art & Design qualification at Lambeth College. Her journey from struggling with mental health and failing her GCSEs to excelling in both her academic and creative pursuits is truly admirable.

Bryana’s success story is a testament to the power of resilience and the positive impact of seeking support when needed. She serves as a shining example for other students who may face similar struggles, proving that with the right guidance and determination, anything is possible. Lambeth College is extremely proud of her achievements and the triumphs she has experienced along her journey.

Our Journal banner dulce bryana artworkBryana's Artworks: "The Exile of Lilith" and "Clandestine Embrace" created during her L2 Art & Design journey