Level 3 T Level in Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction | South Bank Colleges
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Is this course for you?

To be accepted onto this course you will need five GCSE's at grades 4-9 (to include English, Maths and Science at grade 5-9).

Designed with input from employers and with a 45-day work placement, a T Level in construction is up-to-date, relevant, and can lead you straight into a career in the construction industry, an apprenticeship, or into higher education. This course is suitable for anyone wanting a career in construction, specifically in surveying and design, civil engineering or building services design.

This course will help you get to grips with the core knowledge of how the construction industry works, the principles of design and the role of technology and sustainability. You will then specialise Civil Engineering

What experience and skills will you gain?

All students will develop a general understanding of construction, including:

  • Health and safety
  • The science behind building design, surveying and planning
  • Making accurate and appropriate measurements
  • Construction methods
  • Building regulations and standards
  • Data management and information standards in construction
  • Relationship management and customer service
  • How the Internet of Things (IoT) impacts construction
  • Digital engineering techniques
  • Mathematical techniques to solve construction problems
  • Construction design principles and processes
  • The construction industry and its role in the economy
  • Sustainability and the environmental impact of construction
  • Business, commerce and corporate social responsibility

You will also learn about topics specific to design, surveying and planning, including:

  • Project management
  • Budgeting and resource allocation
  • Procurement
  • Risk management
  • Optional Specialism

In addition to the core content, you will also specialise in Civil Engineering