Lambeth College New Campus | South Bank Colleges

Welcome to our plans for Lambeth College's campus redevelopment project. Here, we aim to provide you with details on the exciting changes happening on our campus. Whether you're a student, parent, staff member, or local community member, we want to ensure you're well-informed every step of the way.

Building for a Brighter Future

Lambeth College's campus redevelopment project is a transformative endeavour aimed at modernising our facilities to better serve our students and the wider community. The project entails a phased approach, encompassing several key stages:

Demolition and Construction: We will demolish some existing buildings on our campus to make room for new, state-of-the-art structures. These new buildings will be meticulously designed to create an optimal learning environment for our students.

Temporary Relocation: Students will temporarily relocate to specially-built, temporary buildings on the campus during the construction phase. These temporary facilities will ensure minimal disruption to your learning experience while we work on creating the campus of the future.

The overall construction project will also develop a portion of our site into much-needed residential housing. This residential component will contribute positively to the local housing supply.

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Partnerships and Collaborations

Lambeth College is proud to collaborate with various stakeholders, including local authorities, educational institutions, and development partners, to bring this project to fruition. Together, we are committed to building a campus that meets the needs of our students and the wider community.

Stay Informed

We encourage you to stay informed about the campus redevelopment project. Here, you'll find updates, announcements, and opportunities to provide feedback. Your input is invaluable as we work towards building a brighter future for Lambeth College. You can visit these pages regularly, see how the project is going, and discover how it might affect you.

Thanks for being part of the Lambeth College community! Together, we're making our campus even better.

Time-line Updates

27 February 2024: Planning permission for the new campus has officially been granted.