College Nursery | South Bank Colleges

nursery worldChoosing South Bank Colleges Nursery for your child gives you the flexibility to learn and have your childcare needs taken care of at the same time. 

Take a virtual tour of our Nursery facilities!

nursery photo

The nursery is located at the Clapham Campus, the age range is 2-4 years. Nursery places are allocated on a sessional basis and will correspond with an individual student's timetable. 

Opening Times

Dependent on students' timetable and campus location. 

For SBC staff 8:30am - 5:30pm. 


By appointment only.

College Nursery Application Process

  1. Forms are available from Clapham Reception or can be requested via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Print the form, fill it in fully and return it with the supporting documents via email

Please complete one form per child. You will be notified of your application by email. 

External Childcare Funding

We understand that owing to a wide variety of needs you may prefer to place your child with an external childcare provider. South Bank Colleges can make 100% cost contributions towards your preferred childcare provision, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria.



Contact us

South Bank Colleges Nursery: 020 7501 5227

Senior Nursery Manager: Pamela Hammond 

Nursery Supervisor: Shabana Merchant 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.